Now I finally know how people in North America got into politics!
hen I was young my intent was to go to medical school. The
entrance exam included several questions that would determine
One of the questions was: "Rearrange the letters P N E S I to
spell out an important part of human body that is more useful when
Those who spelled "SPINE" became Doctors...
The rest ended up in Washington or Ottawa
Picture and Intro
Being totally 'politically correct' is impossible with humour (or in life for that matter), and we have no intention of being that boring. Whilst there is no intention to cause offence to anyone, with the wide choice of topics, it's possible that your nationality/religion/political inclination... will supply the punch line, or butt, of a joke. If you're likely to take offence, please do not subscribe, stay sad. For the rest of us, let's laugh at ourselves, as well as others.
The contributions come from a variety of sources; some are 'home grown', some submitted by friends, and from now, some will be from YOU. If you wish to contribute a joke, amusing photograph, or cartoon, please submit it using this form.
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